

WAACKING ROLLS 150 150 Supersteps



32 lessons / 1hour


In this Waacking tutorial, you will learn basic Waacking rolls to introduce you to the style. But also you will then learn some advance Waacking technique to take your skills to the next level.

Skills you will gain

  • You will first learn different kind of Waacking Rolls, using single arms, both arms, Gallop and more.

  • You will then learn how to connect those variations while learning using: The Waack, Punking and Posing.

  • Finally, you will learn how to put everything together and combine it into a Freestyle.

Bagsy's bio

Trained and competed in many styles, Bagsy has made his name through winning several International Waacking competition. Some of his achievement includes: 2 times Winner at BTS, Waacking and Locking KOD finalists, Funk Nation Waacking winner and Juste Debout UK House Dance winner.