

POPPING ROLLS 150 150 Supersteps



21 lessons / 15min


In this Popping Dance Tutorial, Dickson will show you how to play with different groove. You will also learn how to Rolls using different body part.

Skills you will gain

  • You will first learn how to groove using your head, shoulder, hips and legs.

  • You will how to body rolls connecting different body part from head to chest to legs.

  • Finally, you will learn how to put everything together and combine it into a Freestyle.

Dickson's bio

As a leader in his community, Dickson focuses on fostering the future generations of dancers. He is the leader of the world-renown battle crew Prototype and Fiya House.

The collective aims to provide a platform for dancers to showcase their talent, network with other like-minded artists, and promote growth for the UK Hip Hop scene.

To inspire the next generation of dancers, Fiya House not only delivers not-for-profit weekly training sessions in London, but also invites international pioneers to teach workshops and judge events throughout the year.